(Updated July 6, 2018) The white man's at it again - Trump attacks women and Native American Heritage. Trump's back at the name calling, referring to Senator Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas," including jabs at the "Me Too" movement.
This isn't the first time Donald Trump has attacked Warren's heritage, he also referred to her as a Cherokee Princess, earlier in March this year.
Warren claims to be part Cherokee
through her mother’s side of the family.
Sound familiar?

No one has
ever asked me to prove my German
roots; nor have they asked me to prove my
Italian ancestry. So why is it such a
big deal for Elizabeth Warren or others like her to prove their Native blood line?
My wife nor I are
looking for money or tribal recognition, and I rather doubt Elizabeth Warren is
either. If I’m to
acknowledge my German/Italian ancestry, but not my Cherokee blood, or vice
versa, then I am saying one is better
than the other; no equality.
My sister
gifted me an Ancestry.com DNA test this past Christmas. I was really fearful about sending anyone my
DNA, but it was a gift, and I thought it to be offensive to my sister if I did not send my
DNA in. So I did.
When my test
results came back, it showed no Native American DNA. But when I shared the results Facebook, a
friend pointed out that Cherokee DNA when tested has historically tested as Middle
Eastern and/or North African. Both of
which were indicated in my test, but Ancestry.com makes no mention of
AccessGenealogy implies the Cherokee are the “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.” They actually reported that Cherokees are
more Jewish than “the typical American Jew of European ancestry.”
My wife was
gifted a DNA test as well. She does not
know what tribe her great grandmother came from, but my wife has black hair and
darker skin than I. Her test showed no
Native American ancestors, but it did indicate that she had Asian blood. We were later told that many Native American’s
will test Asian on Ancestry.com.
Ancestry.com isn’t so reliable to begin with.
It damn sure does not discredit the millions of Native family stories
handed down through the generations.
Calling someone a Cherokee princess is nothing more than an intimidation
act intended to bring shame upon them. Shame is why the Cherokee, more than any
other Indian nation in America, simulated the European settlers. Basically, the white man came along and
shamed the Indian’s to dress and speak like the white man. The Cherokee married into white
families. It was either that or the
reservation. Hmmm . . . freedom or imprisoned
upon a barren piece of land? If you can’t
beat them, join them, hey!
This is why there are thousands of
white people who claim to be descendants of the Cherokee. It is not as unbelievable as the government
would like you to think; especially for a womanizer like Donald Trump.
As if being a women Senator in a man’s
world isn’t hard enough. Trust me, no
princess wants that job! I’m sure in Donald Trump’s eyes Senator Warren is
quite the “bitch” too. Another word historically used to slam shame
upon strong women with an opinion, in which men with little penises do not agree with.
Asking Senator Warren for a DNA test
is more outrageous then asking Donald Trump for his tax records, and we still
haven’t seen those. If Senator Warren
says she’s of Cherokee descent, then that's enough for me. Kick him where it hurts sister!