love the water. I don’t know of anyone
or any other creature on this earth that does not love the water. My cat has even jumped into my swimming pool
before, so don’t give me any lip. I love
the water so much, that my love brought me here to Pensacola, Florida.
And this
ladies and gentlemen is how I learned to save my world. In this photo you will see a container of
water; they are the same; same container, same water. On the left is, unfortunately, the water I collected
on Good Friday; it doesn’t look well at all.
The surf was really kicking that day.
The picture on the right is what it looks like three months later, after
I shook it up in an attempt to duplicate the water as the day I found it. Except,
I have been meditating and praying over the water for the past three months. Notice the difference?
can see quite a difference in the two photos.
And I didn’t spend any great amount of time on it. I usually focus on the water for a minute
after my morning prayers (for three months in this instance). I taped positive words to the jar, as if the
water is reading them. Then I dress her
up with some amethyst beads and a really pretty shell I came across on the west
coast, and even a feather I found on the beach the day I collected the
water. And the day I return the water to
the Gulf of Mexico, I will meditate upon it again. I was taught to return the water on a full
moon, which is usually when I collect my water as well. The idea is that the water spreads the love
you have given it.
I never imagined living along the
Red Neck Rivera would provide such an education as I have obtained in the past
seventeen years, but it has been a magical journey indeed.
In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon blew
up and splashed my white crystal beach with black oil and tar. I became so depressed and angry. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think
back upon that moment in time.
But I was blessed beyond imagination,
for I had met this lady who was so wise that she had the face of an eagle. She shared with me the writings of Masaru Emoto, who basically proved
that water has memory. It just hasn’t
found a human vase to hold it yet.
parts of the human body hold more water than other parts, but essentially the
human body is roughly 90% water. What
Emoto’s experiments showed was that when good words such as love, forgiveness,
and peace were introduced to the water, it would crystallize into these lovely
clear shapes. But when negative words
such as hate, anger and even the name Hitler were introduced, the water became
cloudy and distorted when it crystallized.
And if water in a container was affected in such a manner, imagine the
cause and effect on a human being.

Just like
people. You can spread love (Jesus
Seeds) or spread your anger (Demon Seeds).
But whichever you choose to sow your garden with know that that will be
your return. I spread the love to the Gulf of Mexico on
that angry Good Friday when I collected the water I have today.
I even go as
far now as to speak to the water when I’m in the shower. I greet it every morning with love. It’s so easy to feel good when the water hits
your body, yes? I feel its healing
impact my body as soon as it I step into it.
The water will take the stiffness right out of my shoulders and
neck. So I always thank the water before
I step out. I give it kisses and say, “Spread
the love my friend.”
But really,
I believe water is God. And in that instance
you could say we have really fucked God up bad. Still, when you begin speaking to the water
on the daily, you begin to notice just how special that morning shower is. It’s like standing naked before the Creator
every morning and allowing his/her light to shine down upon you! It truly lifts the spirit.
When Jesus turned water into wine, he
was glorifying God. Glory to be to Water!