Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Astrology and Numerology were said to once be a part of the Bible, before the Catholic Church choose to suppress them, as in the case of the Gospel of Mary, the Gospel of Phillip, and the Gospel of Thomas.  Still the bible does contain a chapter called the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament.  And in the New Testament, the number three plays a very symbolic role in regards the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

Numerology is a belief that individual numbers have a direct vibration on ones purpose or the intent of ones life. 

For example, to discover ones life path is found in the birth date.  To find your birth force you would add your birth month to the birth date and then add the year (2 + 7+ 1963 = 28, 2+8= 10.  The number 1 would be your life path).

Number 1 represents leadership, independence, individuality, adventure, initiative, originality, and determination. 

Number 2 symbolizes peacemaker, diplomacy, meditation, caution, kindness, sensitivity, cooperation, emotion, and feeling.

Number 3 creativity and expression, enthusiasm, inspiration, imagination, vision, optimism, pleasure, happiness.

Number 4 create order and serve; achievement, concentration, management, application, conservation, dedication, efficiency, organization and follow-through.

Number 5 freedom; promote new ideas; rewards are realized through expressions of expansiveness, invention, promotion, adventure, movement and change.

Number 6 responsibility; embraces qualities such as beauty, creativity, domesticity, healing, passion, harmony, morality, trust and service.

Number 7 individuality; the quest for wisdom and knowledge; analysis, research, calculation, understanding, perfection, the unseen, intuition, investigation, reason, vision and solitude.

Number 8 manifestation; sense of judgment, power authority, capability, organization, efficiency, skill and hard work.

Number 9 compassion; the nine hold the vibration of universal love; creativity, imagination, charity, generosity, devotion and dedication.

Number 11 this number lives in two worlds often vibrating with 2, but in its full nature it is a number that translates a world beyond; illumination, aware, six sense, creative, discerning, dreamy, inspiring and intense.

Number 22 master; on a practical day the number becomes 4, but when it senses full capacity, it is a master builder; great achievement, ingenuity, high energy, innovation and idealism.

Now, to determine your personality, total the consonants of your full birth name, by using the following information below:

            1 = ajs

            2 = bkt

            3 = clu

            4 = dmv

            5 = enw

            6 = fox

            7 = gpy

            8 = hqz

            9 =  ir

To discover your hearts desire, simply total the vowels in your name.

Your expression or destiny number is the total of your full name.

When you are adding numbers and you come upon double digits, like 16, you simply add 1 + 6 and get 7; seven is the single digit number you are seeking.  If the numbers add up to 10, then the number one is your answer.  This will apply except for the numbers 11 and 22.

There is so much more to the science of numerology.  This blog article barely scratches the surface, but it does provide a basic understanding of how numbers play a role within our existence. 

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