I lived in California
in the mid to late 80’s, I use to carry a gun, due to the massive highway
shootings at that time. When I relocated
to Columbus , Ohio , I came across drivers so rude that I had to quit carrying my
weapon, because I was too scared I was going to shoot someone out of
anger. It happens all the time! I was becoming one of those people I was
originally trying to protect myself from to begin with.
the law, the universal law of attraction.
No one can outrun the law of attraction.
Just like no one can deny the law of gravity. It is what it is. Simply put, what you think, you in turn
manifest. Like a magnet to metal, except
you are the magnet, and the thought is the metal.

me break it down for you. When you carry
a weapon for protection, your thoughts are saying, “Hey, I need this gun for
protection.” Therefore you are
manifesting a need to be protected. In
turn, in order to feel protected, there is a need for someone to threaten
you. So the universe (God, Jesus, Buddha,
whatever you call him/her), which will provide for all our needs, will oblige
your request.
Which brings me to the subject of fear, fear is
what prompted me to carry a gun in the first place. Fear driven emotions cause us to do stupid
things, like supporting a war for nothing more than to take control of a
nation’s resources (Iraq/Oil); the government used the fear of weapons of mass
destruction to gain American support to invade Iraq . As a result, TSA was a fear driven decision,
and so was the National Defense Authorization Act that allows any American citizen
to be detained indefinitely, and we waived our constitutional freedoms due to our
fear of terrorism. What one fears, one
Muhammad Ali understood the concept of fear when he
said, “It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble
in your shoe.” When Ali was referring to
the pebble, he was speaking of fear; the fear we tell ourselves when we say we
can’t do it, or it’s too hard, I’ll never be able to finish; feeding those
negative thoughts, instead of nourishing positive thoughts of accomplishment.
This is not an argument for gun control. But this is a statement as to why we as a
nation find ourselves confronted with all of these gun assaults in our schools
(places of higher learning) and now in our nightclubs, where we go to have fun
and let loose of our worries for a moment.
And not in just any nightclub, but a “gay” nightclub; like rainbow
people are a threat. But apparently to
the shooter they were a threat.
Why would he fear gay people? Most likely he was dealing with issues
regarding his own sexuality, and he feared he might be gay. A lot of people who are dealing with stepping
out of the closet deal with anger, it’s a fact.
I know, because I am a lesbian – been there, done that.
For God sakes, our children are growing up scared
of the world. Instead of pumping more
fear into them, we should be nourishing them with love and all those other
positive attributes, like confidence, bravery and honor. Teach them to stand tall, without fearing for
their lives or what others may think of them.
Whenever you find yourself getting angry ask
yourself, “What am I afraid of?” Realize
your fear, but don’t allow your fear to own you. Change the manner in which you think. Instead of walking out of your house with a
gun strapped to your side, walk out with a smile on your face, and an attitude
of helping others in need.
Try some daily affirmations like, “I have no fear,
just love,” or “Everyone I meet is friendly and supportive,” or “I am confident
and will not allow the judgment of others to bring me down,” or “I can climb
that mountain.” These affirmations
work. You won’t know until you try.
Change the way you think and you will change what
it is that you are attracting to you. Live
a peaceful life and you will find peace.
If you’re judgmental of others, they will judge you. Or live in fear and attract fear. It’s up to you.
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