Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Forgiving God

In the bible it says that God gave mankind the freedom to choose.  This choice when you get right down to it is a choice of good or evil.  So when you hear someone say that God does not exist because a loving God would not create all this death and destruction that we are seeing in this world, remember that mankind resides on Earth, where choices are being made everyday.
God did not create the chaos, we did.  If fluttering wings can create the wind, then why would it be so hard to believe that our thoughts and actions can spread, causing pain and suffering in others?

Anger, hate, jealousy, greed, revenge, envy, arrogance, resentment, superiority, self pity can all spread like wild fire.  Flipping someone the bird for cutting you off at a stop light, turns into a husband coming home and yelling at his kids for being child like, that in turn becomes a child bulling another at school, and so on and so forth.  Then we scratch our heads wondering why more kids are bringing guns to school.

But don’t blame God for this world He created.  It’s the world that you and I created!  Change begins by changing yourself.  And if hate can spread, so can love. 
Yet hating on other people seems to come easy to us humans.  I believe it is because love requires the act of forgiveness, and forgiveness isn’t always that easy.  I know everyone reading this can feel me on that one. 
You would think it would be the other way around though; easier to love than to hate; because everyone likes to be loved and accepted.  Who truly wants to feel sad and mad all the time? 

When we refuse to forgive someone, and we hold onto that hurt, it in turn decreases the love we are generating.  It’s like hanging a heavy wet towel on your shoulders; it feels heavy and weighs you down, except it is our spirit that carries the weight when we do not forgive others.  We have to release the hurt.

So, instead of blaming God for the world as it is today, look within yourself.  If you want to see a change, then begin by forgiving yourself. 

There’s an ancient Hawaiian practice called Ho’oponopono, which means to make right.  You create a mental picture of the person you need to forgive in your mind, and from your heart you say, “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” 

You can say it in any order. You don’t even have to talk directly to the person who caused you pain, but you can forgive them in your mind and in your heart. 
And while we are forgiving those with whom we interact, we can also practice Huna when we see a shooter on the nightly news, who takes out a movie theater, because we need to take responsibility for our actions.  Face it, we can all be assholes at one time or another and for every action there is a reaction (it spreads).  And if our actions spread, then we most certainly need to ask for forgiveness due to those actions contributing to that shooters state of mind.  Of course we can all ask for forgiveness from the victims as well.  We all contributed to that hurt and anger that caused their deaths. 

Think about it.  Practice forgiveness and watch our world transform.  I dare you to be so brave as to show some love by forgiving everyone you want to blame for making your day impossible. Try and it and then tell me what tomorrow was like. 

Your light shines brighter and you restore your power when you forgive.  Peace be with you all. 

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