A quick sure way that leads to unhappiness is comparing yourself to others, or placing your own self worth above another. Telling our brothers and sisters south of the border that they are unwelcomed is creating a divide between our self and the greater good (God the Creator; the planet Earth). You are saying you are not part of the one; you are divided (not good enough or better than).
I’ve come across a lot of good people who do not understand this concept of selling out to this plastic corporate America mentality verses living by the words of the masters, like Jesus, Mohammad, Allah, whatever your chosen belief/religion, these God loving people would never support a border wall.
The Fourth of July is known as Independence Day; another word for independence is “Freedom,” as in Freedom Day; not as in independent of human fellowship day. What makes us independent is that we are the only country on the Earth where all people come to live “United.”
“Cries she with silent lips. ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . . . send those, the homeless, tempest-lost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’” (Engraved onto the pedestal of the Statute of Liberty).
A pedestal is the foundation, as represented by the number four, as in 4th of July. The words engraved onto the Statute of Liberty are the foundation of the principals on which this nation was founded.
So this 4th of July holiday, while you’re munching on those taco’s and other Mexican goodies you love so much, be good to yourself and drop that border wall from around your heart and let the light and love in. That’s freedom!
ONE TRIBE—ultimately there is only one tribe. It’s called the Human tribe. We are all Earthlings sharing an Earthly existence. When all the people come together and we share our traditions and beliefs, truth reveals itself, and we find we have far more in common then there are differences. It is love that unites us. Some call it God, some call it Buddha, some call it Jesus, I call it love. Love is the ultimate high, and there’s more than enough to go around. So don’t be stingy. Give a little love.
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