Winter to me is solitude, which in turn leads me to creativity and
healing, because to create is a healing experience in itself. A deeper sense of self is prominent this time
of year.
Yet, I seriously dislike winter, mainly because I don’t like the
cold. Did you know that thermal (heat)
energy also has an effect on the vibrational frequency of the physical body? Yes it’s true, so like it or not, the season
demands change. There’s no escaping this
outside influence and it’s affect upon our lives. Winter is like a wave of change, all you can
do is roll with it, and keep the light kindled inside.
SOLSTICE (by Ted Andrews, “Nature-Speak”)

The time of the year is
preeminent. The spiritual energies of
the heavens converge upon humanity through the realm of Nature to awaken the
feminine powers within us all. Because
of the alignment that occurs at this time of year, along with the awakened
feminine energies, many of those of the angelic hierarchy and devic beings of
the earth are more easily perceived.
They are beheld and sensed by many – if only through the dream
The energies of the winter
solstice and those of all festivals celebrated at this time of the year are
connected to humanity’s life of healing, new birth, and creativity. This season deepens the life feeling, which
flows to us through the astral. It can
release opportunity to bring peace to the soul and new birth to the inner
potentials. It strongly plays upon the
hearts of all.
This is the time of the year in
which the Inner Light is kindled in spite of outer darkness, and thus it is a
powerful time for revelation through dreams and meditations. It is a time to go within us to free
ourselves from separateness. It is a
time in which the feminine energies are stirred in all life upon the planet, so
that their seeds can sprout within the darkness and begin their growth toward
the light.
The spiritual forces of Nature
affecting us at this time of the year brings opportunity for healing and the
expansion of consciousness for those who would open more fully to it. It is a time that opens perceptions of what
we must still face within ourselves if we are to give birth to the higher. Spending time in nature now re-awakens your
inner dreams and visions.
This is actually a time for
withdrawal from outer activities, so that we can give birth to the light within
our own darkness. To bring new life from
the darkness of the womb is the goal of this season, and the purpose of the
quickening of Nature’s spiritual energies at this time upon humanity. These universal rhythms converging upon us
are keyed to enable anyone who is seeking to awaken the interior gifts and
This energy is most appropriate
for learning how to balance our emotions and to use our astral energies
constructively. This is a time to
cleanse the heart and the astral so that the profound feminine mysteries can unfold
within our lives – the birthing capabilities within each of us. The energies at this time stimulate
introspection and inspire seriousness for greater depths of meditation. Anyone wishing to succeed in meditation and
dream work – or those who have difficulty with them – could choose no better
time to initiate efforts along these lines.
This is augmented tremendously when done in Nature. This is a time when doors open to approach
the angelic hierarchy more easily. It is
a time in which the universal energies facilitate illumination, forgiving and
forgetting petty resentments and great wrongs, and it is a time for new
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