You’ll often see me blogging
about the power of the mind, and how thought can affect our bodies. Considering ninety percent of the human body
is made up of water, it is logical that a direct correlation exist between the
two (thought and water/body). And there
are actually scientific studies that support this assumption.
Masaru Emoto, from Japan has published six books
(1996-2007) that claims human consciousness has a direct effect on the molecular structure of water.
Emoto wanted to test the power of thought and words and its effect on water. So he taped words onto glass containers, so that the word could be read by the water inside. The water would respond to words like, love
and gratitude, by crystallizing shiny
and white, like snowflakes.
But words like hate or even the name Hitler would not crystallize, and took on shapeless and unattractive forms.
Emoto’s experiment affirms that what we say and think has a profound effect on us physically. And to further
this theory that thought can clean and heal polluted
water, a demonstration
of few hundred people,
led by a Buddhist Monk,
gathered around a polluted
stream in Japan and focused on the water
healing for an hour. Fifteen minutes
after the meditation, it was reported
that the water became visibly clearer.
The water would not crystallize before the experiment, but afterwards
the water crystallized into beautiful shapes.
This not only authenticates
that we have the power to heal ourselves; it also proves we have the power to
heal the oceans, lakes, rivers and steams.
In 2011, after the Deepwater
Horizon Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico , a few
of us began to meet once a month at the beach.
We would collect a small jar of water, and we would take the water home
with us and tell it how grateful we were, and how much we loved it; meditating
on the water healing from the oil and Corexit used by BP.

We meet on the Thursday closest
to the full moon. Then we return the
water to the Gulf of Mexico and collect a new
jar of water to take home.
The moon also plays an
important role in our ritual. Not only
does the moon have an effect on the tides, but it also amplifies human emotion;
therefore enhancing the power of the prayer.
And what’s really cool is that
anyone can do this. You do not have to
be part of a group. No priest or monk needed. You can do it where you live, or anytime on
your own. You have that ability to
If you still need scientific
proof, please watch the video below.
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