have been through some serious changes the past two years, so when confronted
with the New Year, I find it hard to get excited about more changes. This past year alone, I have been accosted
with changes in my health for the good and the bad. Friends come and go, and some even changing
quit smoking many times, but this year I believe I’ll stick with it, because I
have finally been convinced that smoking cigarettes are bad for your
health. No doubt about it in my mind. I have been forced to come to the realization
that I am no longer Superman. I finally
understand that growing old sucks, because I have had to face my own
mortality. A major lifestyle change for
dealing with 3 surgeries in the past two years, I’ve had to make massive
changes in my diet; this year those adjustments continued in some concerning
ways. I can no longer eat cheese like I
use to, I had to learn to drink warm tea in the morning and evening, instead of
ice water and wine. I avoid red meat
like the plague, but I love hamburgers (excuse me while I droll at the
thought). I hardly even drink alcohol anymore, especially beer (my preferred
alcoholic beverage). And I no longer
allow myself the luxury of fast food anymore, which provides limited choices; I
really don’t know how vegetarians do it.

that’s ok, because I learned that I’m never by myself regardless (another one
of those lessons learned from a hospital bed). It may get a little lonely at times,
but I would not change the changes if confronted with second chances. There is wisdom in pain, and magic in wisdom. I like this place I find myself.
course change is constant. Tomorrow is
today and yesterday was tomorrow. So instead of listing changes I want to make
in the New Year, I think I’ll just look forward to a new future with eyes wide
and enjoy the ride. There’s gold in them
there changes!
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