Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Thursday, August 14, 2014


When I was a kid, about thirty years ago, I seen a young man on television that had beaten lung cancer by sitting near a waterfall and visualizing the water washing away the cancer.  The cancer disappeared.  He basically healed himself.

Creative visualization is a meditative technique to create what it is you want in life.  All you need is to use your natural ability to imagine or picture what it is you seek; like love, or healthy relationships, good health, prosperity, harmony, whatever your heart desires.

For example, say you’re a football player.  Before the game, you sit in silence for twenty minutes, and focus on a clear image.  You’re a wide receiver, you are running down the field, and you see yourself with your arms open, as if to catch the ball.  Focus on that image.  Then imagine it happening now (not in the future, but in the present).  You’re running down the field waiting for the ball to arrive, and now you have your hands on the ball, tucking it away, so no one can steal it.  There’s nothing between you and the goal line.  ‘TOUCHDOWN!”   And the crowd goes wild!  Now affirm your vision and make it yours.

Not long ago, I was driving in heavy traffic.  I had just got off from work.  And I thought to myself, if I’m not verbally being offensive to anyone on the road, does it really matter what I think about that person?  Instead of saying, “You Asshole,” I simply thought, you asshole.

A short time later, I was introduced to a Creative Visualization class, where I learned to understand the Law of Attraction.  This is the principle that what we attract in our lives is whatever we think about, especially if it is heartfelt, or thought of often.  In other words, thought precedes manifestation. What you think will happen, will most likely occur. 

So not only was my question answered by some kind of divine intervention, but it is also a great example of how the Law of Attraction works. 

Thought moves fast.  I’ve asked a question before in my mind, and was presented an answer to it within seconds, through a sign in nature.  When this happens, I immediately turn to awareness to my last thoughts.  And I can’t always remember them either.  That’s because thoughts race through the mind constantly, which is why it is important to quiet the mind and focus on what it is you truly want out of life. 

Try this, the next time before you pull into a busy parking lot, picture an empty parking space closest to the door.  Affirm that thought, you know there is a parking space by the door waiting for you.  You are a good person, and you deserve that front row parking spot. 

Even once you pull into the parking lot, and someone else is turning down the same row as you, know in your heart and hold onto the thought, that there will still be a parking spot for you near the door. 

I do it all the time.  It works more often than not.  I’ll usually thank Spirit afterwards as well. 

Sometimes I’ll use Creative Visualization, when my other half has been uptight and irritable. I’ll visualize her in a white light happy and joyful.  I found that this works as well.  Even though the technique does not control the behavior of others, it does allow everyone to manifest in their most positive aspect. 

So when you come across a stranger, don’t be so judgmental.  Because if you see only the negative in a person, then that behavior will most likely be reflected back at you from that individual. 

Think good thoughts.  The mind is powerful tool.  And it is important that we learn to control our thoughts and use them wisely.  Positive thoughts will make a positive life, in contrast to negative thoughts which will manifest themselves in a negative fashion.
Try it, and please come back and comment, and let me know how Creative Visualization has assisted you in your life's journey. 

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