Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Sunday, August 17, 2014

COLOR HEALING – (Part 2) The Dictionary of Colors

(The following information is from the “Healer’s Manual: A Beginners’ Guide to Energy Therapies,” by Ted Andrews)

Keynote:  Purification, purity, amplification
Physical Applications:  All systems of the body.  White contains the entire light spectrum.  It is strengthening.  It is cleansing and purifying to the entire energy system.  It can awaken greater creativity.  When in doubt as to what color to use, you can seldom go wrong with white.  It is also beneficial to begin and end a color therapy session with white to stabilize the energy system of the individual and to give it an overall boost.  It amplifies the effects of any other color used with it in a healing session.

Keynote:  Protection, grounding, strengthening
Physical Applications:  Effective in polarity therapy when combined with white.  Black also contains the entire color spectrum within it.  It is a color that has had many confusing correspondences in the past.  Many individuals shy away from using black in color therapy and healing, but I have found it to be beneficial at times.  Black is a protective color.  It is grounding and calming, especially to extremely sensitive individuals.  It activates the magnetic or feminine energies of the body, strengthening them.

Black should be used sparingly, as too much black can cause depression or aggravate such emotional/mental conditions.  Black is most effective when used in conjunction with white, balancing the polarities of the individual, especially in cases where the individual seems to be losing control.  It can activate the subconscious mind which can put life and all of its craziness into proper perspective.  It should rarely be used by itself, but always in combination with another color.

Keynote:  Strengthening of the life force, will and sexuality; stimulating
Physical Applications:  Circulatory system, sexuality.  Stimulating to the overall energy levels of the metabolism, lower extremities, most blood conditions.  Red is a stimulating color.  It will energize the base chakra.  It warms and activates.  It awakens our physical life force.  It can be used for colds, poor circulation, anemia, and mucus ailments.  Red strengthens the physical energy and the will of the individual.  It can stimulate deeper passions, whether they be of sex and love, courage, hatred or even revenge.

Too much red can over-stimulate and aggravate certain conditions.  High blood pressure is an indication of too much red energy within the system.  Red can be used to raise the body’s temperature and to energize the blood.  It is also balanced by the color green.

Keynote:  Activation, construction, optimism, energy reserves
Physical Applications:  Muscular system, eliminative system, emotional aggravation and causes of physical problems.  Orange affects the second (spleen) chakra center.  It is the color of joy and wisdom and creativity.  It stimulates feelings of socialness.  It is tied to our emotional health and the muscular systems of the body.  Too much orange affects the nerves, and it should be used balanced with shades of green-blues.  Orange can assist us in healing conditions of the spleen, pancreas, stomach, intestines, adrenals, food assimilation, and depression. 

Individuals experiencing emotional paralysis can be helped with the color, especially the peach shades.  Peach is a color that strengthens the aura and gives it a little extra cushioning in recovery processes.  It and most shades of orange can be used to revitalize the physical body.  It makes a good tonic after a bout of illness, for it is strengthening to the eliminative system of the body.

Keynote:  Mental activity, intellectual power and ability, awakening
Physical Applications:  Digestive system, gastro-intestinal tract, adrenal activity, left hemisphere brain activity.  Yellow predominantly affects the solar plexus chakra, and it is stimulating to the mental faculties of the individual.  It can be used for depression.  It helps awaken an enthusiasm for life.  It awakens greater confidence and optimism.  It is also effective in the treatment of digestive problems.  It is beneficial to the stomach, the intestines, the bladder, and the entire eliminative system as well.  It is very effective to the treatment of most headaches.  It helps to balance the gastrointestinal tract.  The golden-yellow shades are healthful to both the body and the mind.  It can be used to facilitate the learning capabilities of an individual.

Yellow is a color that catches the eye.  It is one of the first colors that most people notice.  It is also a color that can create or indicate anxiety and mental problems.  Excessive amount or exposures to it should be balanced with colors from the blue spectrum.

Keynote:  Balance, growth, calming
Physical Applications:  Circulatory system, sympathetic nervous system, conditions aggravated by emotions.  (Green should never be used to help heal tumorous or cancerous conditions, as green helps things grow) Green is most predominant color on the planet.  It balances our energies, and it can be used to increase our sensitivity and compassion.  It has a calming effect, especially in inflamed conditions of the body.  It is soothing to the nervous system.  The brighter greens, leaning toward the blue spectrum are powerful in healing most conditions.  Green can also be used to awaken greater friendliness, hope, faith, and peace.  It is restful and revitalizing to overtaxed mental conditions.

Green strongly affects the heart chakra, and it is balancing to the autonomic nervous system.  It can be applied beneficially in cardiac conditions, high blood pressure, ulcers, exhaustion, and headaches.  It should never be used in cancerous or tumorous conditions, or with anything of a malignant nature, as green also stimulates growth.

Keynote:  Peace, faith, aspiration, creative expression
Physical Applications:  Respiratory system, eyes, ears, nose, throat, venous conditions.  Blue is cooling to the body’s system.  It is relaxing.  It is quieting to our energies, and it has an antiseptic effect.  It strengthens and balances the respiratory system.  It is also excellent for high blood pressure and all conditions of the throat.  It is beneficial to venous conditions of the body.  Blue is very effective in easing all childhood diseases, along with asthma, chicken pox, jaundice, and rheumatism.  It is one of the most universally healing colors for children.

Blue can also be used to awaken intuition and to ease loneliness.  It is very effective when combined with the warmer color in the orange and red-orange spectrum.  It awakens artistic expression and inspiration. 

Keynote:  Integration, purification, altered states of consciousness
Physical Applications:  Endocrine system, reproductive system, infection, most conditions of the head and face.  Indigo and the deeper shades of blue are dynamic healing colors on both spiritual and physical levels.  This color activates the brow chakra, and it is balancing to all conditions associated with it.  It strengthens the lymph system, the glands, and the immune system of the body.  It is an excellent blood purifier, and can be sued to assist in detoxifying the body.  It is a color that is also balancing to the hemisphere of the brain and all nerve synapses between them.

Indigo can be used effectively to treat all conditions of the face (including the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and sinuses).  Indigo also has a sedative effect, and it can be used in meditation to achieve deeper levels of consciousness.  It can awaken devotion and intuition.  It can be used for problems in the lungs and for removing obsessions.  Too much Indigo can cause depression and a sense of separateness from others.  It can be balanced effectively with soft orange shades.

Keynote:  Purification, transmutation, practical spirituality
Physical Applications:  Skeletal system, nervous system, some venous conditions, cancerous/tumorous conditions.  Violet is a color that affects the crown chakra.  It also affect the entire skeletal and nervous systems of the body.  It is very antiseptic, purifying on both physical and spiritual levels.  It helps balance the physical and the spiritual energies.  Violet is effective in cancerous conditions of the body.  Arthritis can be eased by a violet light that leans more toward the blue shades.  Violet also helps the body to assimilate nutrients and minerals.

Violet also stimulates inspiration and humility.  It assists in stimulating dream activity.  In meditation violet can help open us to our past lives, especially those which are presently affecting our health.  A true violet is fifty percent blue and fifty percent red.  It is the balance of the physical and the spiritual.  It is a reminder that we need both aspects within our life for balanced health.  Violet helps to restore a proper perspective both in regard to the mundane aspects of life (including the physical well-being), and the spiritual aspects, helping to keep them practical.

AQUA (Turquoise and other light blue-greens)
Keynote:  Multi-purpose healing
Physical Applications:  Respiratory system, strengthening to the metabolism.  Aqua is cooing the system.  It can be beneficial in easing all feverish conditions and for balancing all systems of the body.  It can also be used to cool and ease inflammation.  It combines both the  beneficial effects of blue and green.  It vitalizes all systems.  It is also purifying.  It can be used in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis, especially with children  Regular color breathing with aqua can prevent intense attacks of asthmatic conditions.

BLUE (Royal)
Keynote:  Purifying
Physical Applications:  It helps the body assimilate oxygen.  It assists in the exchange of gases, externally and internally.  It can clear a foggy mind and it is an aid to negative  physical conditions that affect the brain.  It can help ease depression and emotional problems that can aggravate  physiological conditions.

Keynote:  Grounding and stabilizing
Physical Applications:  Brown is also an effective color in healing.  It is especially effective in stabilizing overexcited states.  It calms and grounds emotions and extreme mental conditions.  Brown can help awaken common sense and discrimination.  It brings us back down to earth.  It is effective for any kind of spaciness.  Brown, when it shows up in the human aura, can reflect a need for grounding.  When it takes the shade of what I call “puke brown, “ it will often reflect infection in the body or that area of the body in which it overlays in the aura.  Brown can be used to stabilize all systems.  It have also found it effective to use in cases of hyperactivity with children, especially with combinations of colors in the rust to deep brown range.

Keynote:  Strengthening and amplifying
Physical Applications:  Immune system, cardiac conditions.  Gold is a color that can strengthen the energies associated with the entire immune system.  It can be sued with other colors to amplify the effects without overexciting the system.  It is very strengthening to the heart.  It is effective to use in regard to all cardiac problems, especially as a powerful tonic after heart surgery.  Gold is powerful stimulant to the immune system of the body.  It helps awaken the individual’s own abilities to assist the body in restoring homeostasis.  It can also awaken renewed enthusiasm. 

Keynote:  Mental stimulation
Physical Applications:  Digestive system, left hemisphere brain activity.  Lemon is vitalizing and stimulating to the brain.  Thus, is effective in treating and alleviating conditions associated with it – i.e. Alzheimer’s, senility, etc.  It can be used to help stimulate the brain’s natural abilities.  It always has a shade of green within the spectrum, and in lemon, the green works as a cleanser.  Lemons assists us in bringing toxins to the surface so the can be cleaned out.  These may be physical toxins as well as emotional toxins.  Lemon is also effective in treating digestive problems and appendicitis.  It facilitates the natural digestive process, helping the body assimilate nutrients more effectively.  Lemon is good for tissues and bones.

Keynote:  Smoothing
Physical Applications:  Skin conditions and inflammations, immune system.  Pink is a soothing color on all levels, physical and otherwise.  Mentally and emotionally, it can be used to soothe conditions of anger and feelings of neglect.  Pink can be used to awaken compassion, love, and purity.  It can be used in meditation to discern greater truths.  It is comforting to the emotional energies of the individual.  Physically, pink is most effective in the treatment of skin problems and conditions, especially when combined with aqua.  It also stimulates the thymus gland and ease stresses upon the immune system of the body.

Keynote:  Intense purification
Physical Applications:  Detoxifying the body.  Purple is considered by many to be a high vibrational color.  It is this high vibration which gives it its ability for purification.  It is effective to use when strong detoxifying of the body is needed, as in the case of cancerous or pre-cancerous conditions.  Purple is purifying to the body, but because of its high vibration it should be used sparingly.  Too much purple can create or aggravate depression.  It can be used to stimulate venous activity in the body.  It can also be used for headaches.  The red-purple range is beneficial to balancing the polarities of the body.  The blue-purple range is effective in helping to shrink (such as tumors) and to cool, easing inflammations. 

Keynote:  Amplification and intuitive clarification
Physical Applications:  Discernment of the cause of dis-ease.  Silver can be used to amplify the effects of other colors, much in the manner of white.  It is also effective in meditation, in discovering the metaphysical source of an illness or dis-ease.  Unless we discover the source, the likelihood of its remanifestation is high.  Silver can also be used to help discover and apply the creative imagination.  It activates innate intuition.  It is stimulating and balancing to the feminine energies, and especially the yin meridians.

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