Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Friday, July 29, 2016

What is a Truth Seeker?

A truth seeker is a spiritual individual reaching beyond the common wisdom of mortal men.  They look within themselves for the answers that the mind questions.  A truth seeker is like a vine that reaches for the sky; as it grows it builds the new upon the old; always changing and reaching for a deeper understanding, as symbolized by a spiral. 
Some people refer to truth seekers as new age thinkers.  But really, there is nothing new to seek.  You’ll find books upon their shelves in regards to healing, self awareness, dreams, religion and so on, but these are not new ways of being.  The knowledge is ancient.  The only thing that is new is the awareness of the subject.    
Therefore, truth is merely a perspective.  This is why every man’s truth differs from another.  This is the wisdom of the truth seeker. 


Monday, July 25, 2016

Herbal Remedies for Diabetes

In 2010, diabetes was the 7th leading cause of death in the United States, as reported by The American Diabetes Association.  29.1 million Americans were reported to have diabetes in 2012.  1.4 million new cases are diagnosed every year in the United States.  The statistics are alarming.

1 in 4 American’s don’t even know they have diabetes.  86 million adults have pre-diabetes, where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to qualify as diabetic.  That’s 1 in 3 American’s.

Ginseng (root) reduces cholesterol, as well as blood sugar.  Siberian ginseng, also known as “eleuthero” or “adaptogen” is also used for hardening of the arteries and rheumatic heart disease.  It’s an antioxidant and an immune system stimulant that improves memory and energy levels.  But it does contain chemicals that can slow blood clotting and may increase risk of bleeding and bruising for people with these types of blood disorders.  Do not give to children. You can read more at:

Uva Ursi leaves are also good in combating diabetes.  It is primarily used for urinary disorders, but it should not be used in large quantities during pregnancy due to restriction of circulation to the uterus.  Do not take in high does or for a long period of time; it contains a chemical that can damage the retina of the eye by thinning it.  It is also recommended that you do not give this herb to children.  You can read more at:

Burdock Root provides an abundance of iron and insulin giving it a special value to the blood.  It is also a good diaphoretic that clears the kidneys of excess waste and uric acid, by increasing the flow of urine.  The seeds are great for kidney diseases as a tincture or extract. It may slow blood clotting or increase bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.  It is suggested that you stop taking burdock at least 2 weeks before surgery.  You can read more at:

Jerusalem Artichokes are a vegetable that resemble a small potato, and can be used to decrease or eliminate the use of insulin for people suffering from diabetes.  And they don’t taste bad either.  For detailed information, visit:

Cinnamon is a spice that lowers blood sugar as well as blood pressure.  It can reduce insulin resistance as well.  Cinnamon can also lower your bad cholesterol (LDL), while raising good cholesterol (HDL).  But not just any Cinnamon will work.  Cinnamomum verum is the type of cinnamon you want to shop for.  It is an expensive cinnamon that is often substituted with the cheaper cinnamomum cassia.  You can read more at: 

Green tea can reduce a number of heart related issues, including high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.  It can lower your cholesterol and improve your blood overall.   It can even stabilize diabetes, and reduce your blood sugar levels.
Green tea can boost your metabolic rate encouraging weight loss.  The tea is caffeinated, but not as much as coffee, which may be the factor that contributes to weight loss and increased energy. 
Green tea is an excellent source for antioxidants, which can reduce your chances of contracting cancer.
Green tea can reduce the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. 
Never boil green tea!  Do not put milk in your tea; it can reduce the antioxidants contained within the tea.  Read more at:

CILANTRO is a strong anti-oxidant that can prevent cardiovascular damage.  It also assists in sleep quality, and has been shown to have anti-anxiety effects.

Cilantro is linked to lowering blood sugar as well.  The School of Life Science in India noted that cilantro leaves and stems, “If used in cuisine would be a remedy for diabetes.”  The seeds are known to lower blood sugar; and they lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol) at the same time.

Cilantro is well known for cleansing the body of toxic metals.  People with mercury poisoning have reported a reduction in symptoms when taking cilantro regularly.  Read More at:

"It is said that the Earth provides for all of our needs, and I have put that belief to the test and discovered that it is true."

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Get Your Party On!

Healing incorporates the mind, body and spirit.  There is no pill for the spirit, but there is music.   And nothing is more therapeutic than listening to music.  This ancient practice feeds the soul, and heals the spirit.  Whenever we are facing a healing crisis, music should be included.

As preventative medicine music relieves stress; and stress can cause us just as much harm as eating fast food on a daily basis.  Music can ease depression, or set the mood for a romantic date.  As a real estate agent, I have used music to prepare a house for showings.
Music promotes exercise and stimulates the brain cells. So not only are you healing the spirit, but the mind and body as well.  The type of music isn’t a factor, although a positive vibe is most certainly important.  So go get your groove on! 

Here’s a remedy to keep from getting a hangover.  Alcohol kills the vitamin B in the body that causes the hangover affect.  Get a bottle of B-100’s, Take one before you begin drinking.  Then take one a little later, while you are drinking.  And before you go to bed take a third pill.    I have done this several times in my younger days, and it works; no hangover!
(Earl Mindells Vitamin Bible—1991)

Wine can reduce the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.  According to Swedish researchers wine, when consumed in moderation, can decrease your chances of dying at an early age by one third.  Wine increase blood flow while lowering the risk of blood clots.  In addition, a glass or two a day will significantly  boost HDL (good cholesterol), while keeping LDL (bad cholesterol) from harming the body.  Wine can also slow the growth of breast cancer, as well as prostate cancer cells.  

And women, wine can cut your risk of osteoporosis  In a 2000 report in the American Journal of Epidemiology, woman who drank one to three glasses of wine had greater bone marrow density; more than non-drinkers or heavy drinkers.  And this information applies to men as well.

So here’s to your health!