Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Racism & America

Don’t go kidding yourself when you say you’re not racist.  We are all somewhat racist.  As soon as we meet someone new, we begin discriminating by sizing them up.  And weather we want to admit it or not, from the color of one’s skin, to the way someone wears their hair, their tattoos or lack of, their make-up, their clothes, their shoes . . . we begin making our judgments on appearances alone.  All humans do this; it isn’t just a white people thing, black people, Asian people, Native Americans, we all do it to an extent.  Shit, I’ve even been racist towards people of my own color. 

I have caught myself saying things like, “You won’t see me living in Alabama or Mississippi! Forget those bigoted racist!”  That is a racist statement; it’s a proclamation of intolerance.  Regardless if I’m white and I’m referring to people of my own race, I am targeting an entire two states as being racist.  Have you ever caught yourself doing just that? 

But in reality, not all people who live in the Deep South are racist, and racism isn’t contained in only one area of the country, or within one race of people.  But I am going to take a minute and address white people. 

As a white woman, I do not feel guilty for the behaviors of others.  Nor am I responsible for the actions of other humans throughout history.  But as a human being, in the here and now, I am greatly saddened by the images I see on television, in regards to the treatment of black people by the police. 

I understand, when you say that you have been treated unfairly by the police too.  I have been pulled over by some fat head cops in my time, but I have lived to talk about it.  And I understand that it may not be a problem where you live, therefore you find it hard to comprehend the injustice, yet it screams into our living rooms in the form of video of actions that cannot be defended.  And time and again these so called officers of the peace are cleared of all wrong doing. 

I was singled out once and pulled over by a State Highway patrol woman, who insisted on searching my vehicle because I had a Grateful Dead bumper sticker in the back window of my pickup truck.  It was rainbow colored teddy bears holding hands, and I had no idea that it was a Dead Head thing.  Her words were, “I always find marijuana in cars of Grateful Dead fans.”  From there it only escalated.  I was told by a second little fatheaded cop that “We can do what we want when we want.” 

I removed the sticker from my vehicle when I returned home, but just imagine having black or brown skin.  It cannot be removed.  And if the police are profiling bumper stickers, imagine what they do to people of color.

Why are people upset about a Mexican border wall?  What, you don’t think white people in Canada bring drugs across the border?  Look at the high crime in Ann Arbor and Detroit.  I know of (white) people who use to run up there, from Central Ohio to buy drugs in bulk.  But you don’t see anyone complaining about Canadians.  And you don’t see them executed on the nightly news, by some freighted uneducated quick on the draw cop.  Just face it, statistically we white people are not held suspect in the same manner as those of color.

As one police officer put it, “Regardless of the color of the officer, in the vast majority of those cases of abuse that citizen will be black or brown.  That is what is allowed.”

It’s like a bad cigarette habit that is hard to shake, if the person is black or brown, the police think it’s ok to physically abuse them and their rights. 

The U.S. Constitution guarantees equal rights under the law.  Amendment Fourteen states, “. . . nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

It is against the law to treat one race of people differently than another.  This is why a Black Lives Matter movement began.  It isn’t that your life doesn’t matter, as a white person, but instead it is a need to focus on why the police feel it is ok to neglect equal and fair treatment of all of the citizens it serves. 

So you see, by supporting Black Lives Matter, you are saying that all lives matter.  Because truthfully it is an issue of authority, and I think that at one time or another in our lives, we have all been victimized by the government in one form or another.   To protect the rights of any individual is to stand in protection of your liberty as well. 

And when we see a football player or an entire football team take a knee during the National Anthem, it is not a disgraceful act, but a privilege that has been celebrated and defended by countless American’s who sacrificed their lives to protect that freedom.  

So before you go flying off the handle over a football player taking a knee in an attempt to bring attention to Black Lives Matter, realize that you are feeding a behavior that is contrary to the U.S. Constitution. 

You are basically labeling yourself as a communist, if you think it’s ok to limit one’s freedom of speech.  Go live in China and tell me how life is without Facebook.  Or go live in North Korea and tell me how it feels to whisper out of fear of some flag waving Korean overhearing you speaking out against Kim Jong-un and turn you in.  Fear makes prisons, and that’s exactly where you will wind up in a communist country if you express an opinion that is not favorable with the government. 

So ask yourself this question, “Do Black Lives Matter?”

It is a yes or no question; it’s that simple.  There are no, “Yes, but(s) . . .”  The word but implies resistance. 

I’ve heard the excuses, “Yeah, but they’re (the football players) doing it at work. They’re getting paid.”  LOL!  I hate to tell you this, but every time you call in work sick, when you’re not sick, you are protesting work.  And some of you receive sick pay, which means you’re getting paid to protest work for the entire day.

Here’s another excuse I hear often, “It makes me sick to my stomach!”  Like what?  Watching Rodney King get beat half to death with billy-clubs, by countless police officers, while he’s on the ground doesn’t make you sick to your stomach?  Oh, but watching some dude take a knee during the National Anthem makes you want to barf.  Hmmm?

“Yeah, but it’s a disgrace,” is the other excuse I have been hearing.  What’s disgraceful is watching countless acts of murder, where the evidence is video tapped, beyond a shadow of a doubt, yet no one (the police) is ever convicted.   That’s just unbelievable and shameful; then we wonder why people refer to American’s as stupid. 

Step back and look at yourself and listen to what you’re saying.  Think!  We have got to change the way we think, because we are headed down a dangerous road as a nation.  We have become very fear driven regardless of political affiliation, and fearful decisions reek with stupidity. 

We live in America – the melting pot, the united, home of the brave.  Not the home of the fearful and divided.  What makes America great is that all the people from all around the world gather here.  We’re like the United Nations of Humans.  It’s not the black race, or the white race, red or yellow, it’s the human race.  You are more than a color.  

Be regal and brave.  Stand up and be counted where there’s injustice!  I don’t know about you, but when I was a little kid, I said I was going to grow up and be Superman, and make a stand against oppression.  So here we are.  The Black Lives Movement is happening for a reason; the scales are tipped, and the basic right of equality is in jeopardy.  It cannot be denied! 

Here in the South, we see Americans clashing over Confederate statutes.  It isn’t the statue, but what the statue represents.  It symbolizes the fight to enslave an entire race of people; black people.

We’re seeing Native America on the rise again defending the water and the land, as a result of environmental racism.    And at the same time, we’re fighting to keep the brown man from the South from crossing our borders.   Face it, there’s a race problem in America, and it’s screaming to be addressed.    You can’t plug your ears and make it go away.  And you cannot say that it is not your problem, because it is, especially if you’re a white American – remember, united we stand, divided we fall.

Freedom isn’t free!  And it isn’t convenient.  The cost is sacrifice, and it’s often in the form of action.  Every day is a battle.  How many years has America had to deal with this issue of racism?  See what I mean Vern?
Every day, your freedom, my freedom, our liberties are challenged.   We have to be vigil and participate in the defense of those rights we hold so dearly.  Freedom knows no color, but its enemies do.  Keep that in mind.

Peace ~

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

COME TOGETHER – Freedom of Speech

Have you ever been to a cemetery here in the Deep South? 

A while back, I was doing some family research and found that my great, great, great grandfather was a Union (U.S.) soldier who was captured by the Confederate army and eventually died in captivity, in Mobile, Alabama. 

Although we couldn’t find his name on any head stone, he is most likely buried as an “Unknown Soldier” in Magnolia Cemetery, which is full of unknown graves of U.S. soldiers, who had fought in the Civil War.  An American flag hangs high in this section of the cemetery.

As we walked further into the cemetery, we found a section of Confederate soldiers who had lost their lives in the war.  There a Confederate flag hangs high above the graves.  And that’s when it hit me.

Sadness tugged at my heart, when the realization of a country split in two became a reality as I stood in this historic land of the dead.  The thought of Americans killing Americans was enough to make me cry.  Even as I write this, water falls from my eyes.

There is no American flag waving in the air above the dead in the Confederate section of the cemetery, yet these were Americans, who bravely sacrificed their lives in battle.  They were fighting for freedom as well, the freedom to live their life as they choose, right or wrong. 

I look at our country today, with all this chatter of the KKK and Confederate statues, and the NFL players who refuse to stand for the National Anthem, and I cannot help but feel the lessons of the Civil War have been lost.

Freedom is more than a word with a definition attached to it.  It is a way of being; a way of living.  To truly be free, one needs to respect the freedom of all people, regardless if one considers the opposition’s belief to be wrong, as long as it is not impeding the freedom of another.    When you limit someone else’s freedom, you limit your own; plain and simple.  There is no way around it.

So what if the KKK rallies on a street corner somewhere in America. It means nothing unless you give it power.  You give their actions power when you give them your energy; when you give them your attention and allow them to disrupt your happiness.  Ignore them and they’ll go and hide back under the rock they came from.  But if you say they have no right to protest, then you are saying that you have no right to freedom of speech as well.

And so what if an NFL player does not stand during the National Anthem.  How is it hurting you?  Do you stand for the National Anthem in your living room, when it sounds off through your television?   I think not.  I have been in many of homes for football games, and the only behavior I have ever witnessed is a beer in one hand and a face full of food in the other, kicked back on a the sofa with feet up off the floor. 

Do not divide yourself into us and them.  We are the United States of America.  Instead of focusing on our differences, how about focusing on what we agree upon.  

There are always two ways to look at any given situation.  One is with hate and anger, the other is with love and compassion.  The KKK, the confederate statute debate, and the NFL/Nat’l Anthem, spotlights those freedoms that we celebrate as Americans.  We must hold tightly to this liberty of free speech and cherish it, or we will surly lose it. 

So don’t be so quick with your anger.  Hate cannot be conquered with hate.  It’s not a hippie thing, it’s a fact!  Focus your energy on the good, instead of the bad, and I promise you will be much happier for it.

And for the record, I am a former Ohio Army Reservist, with a legal background.  I know the U.S. Constitution, and I took an oath to protect it. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Change, Said The Man in the Mirror

CHANGE—said the man in the mirror.  What we think we get.  Life’s like that.  So when I found myself a victim of a tainted drink (see last months story, The Poison Cup), I had to ask myself, what was I thinking?

Looking back I see now that it all began with an Alabama license plate on the rental car we used on our trip to Southern California. 

We’re from Pensacola, Florida, and we were somewhat disappointed with the Alabama tags.  My first thought was, “Great!  People are going to think we’re a couple of racist bible thumpers traveling with two pit bulls.”

After the Mexican girl in San Diego corrupted my drink, with God only knows what, my first thought was I wonder if this car has a front plate on it?  Did she see that Alabama tag and peg us for racist haters?  

It may have very well been a racist gesture on the young ladies part, but it was created by my own intolerant thoughts of Southern white people in general. Blame always lies within ourselves. 

The world we know is of our own creation.  I created a vision of Southern white intolerance, and that’s what life handed me.   Mind your thoughts!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

One Tribe

Spiritual law says that none of us are independent of the other.  We are one.  We are extensions of the Creator connected by love.  Unfortunately, here in America we allow ourselves to buy into this commercialized credit based society of hierarchy, valuing our own self-worth to a false standard of another; a false God; preferring to live by the almighty dollar vs. the law of the Almighty - the law to love one another; to value no life above any other life.
A quick sure way that leads to unhappiness is comparing yourself to others, or placing your own self worth above another.   Telling our brothers and sisters south of the border that they are unwelcomed is creating a divide between our self and the greater good (God the Creator; the planet Earth).  You are saying you are not part of the one; you are divided (not good enough or better than).
I’ve come across a lot of good people who do not understand this concept of selling out to this plastic corporate America mentality verses living by the words of the masters, like Jesus, Mohammad, Allah, whatever your chosen belief/religion, these God loving people would never support a border wall. 
The Fourth of July is known as Independence Day; another word for independence is “Freedom,” as in Freedom Day; not as in independent of human fellowship day.  What makes us independent is that we are the only country on the Earth where all people come to live “United.”

“Cries she with silent lips. ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . . . send those, the homeless, tempest-lost to me.  I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’”  (Engraved onto the pedestal of the Statute of Liberty). 
A pedestal is the foundation, as represented by the number four, as in 4th of July.  The words engraved onto the Statute of Liberty are the foundation of the principals on which this nation was founded. 

So this 4th of July holiday, while you’re munching on those taco’s and other Mexican goodies you love so much, be good to yourself and drop that border wall from around your heart and let the light and love in.  That’s freedom!
ONE TRIBE—ultimately there is only one tribe.  It’s called the Human tribe.  We are all Earthlings sharing an Earthly existence.  When all the people come together and we share our traditions and beliefs, truth reveals itself, and we find we have far more in common then there are differences. It is love that unites us.  Some call it God, some call it Buddha, some call it Jesus, I call it love.  Love is the ultimate high, and there’s more than enough to go around.  So don’t be stingy.  Give a little love.



Monday, July 3, 2017

My Country

Did you know that the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights are based on the concepts of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations? 

 That’s right, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were both big fans of the Indians, even though Jefferson was actually very cruel towards them; white man envy, I suppose.

 Resolution H. CON. RES. 331 dated October 21, 1988 was passed by Congress making it official, giving the Indians credit where credit is due.
Nahko & Medicine For The People - My Country


Loving the Brothers & Sisters South of the Border on Independence Day

I found myself in Southern California recently.  I was ecstatic because I just love the Mexican food found in San Diego.   It’s like no other that is served here in the States.  I had lived there years ago, and fell in love with the Mexican culture as well. 
So as soon as the wife and I saw the sun set upon the Pacific Ocean, we found ourselves feeding our need for some good spicy food.  We stumbled upon a small Mexican restaurant not far from the beach.  My wife ordered two beef tacos, and I had ordered two carne asada (steak) tacos, and I ordered a pineapple drink.  The wife ate one of my tacos and I ate one of her tacos, and I took three sips of the drink that I had ordered.
The reason I only took three sips of that delicious pineapple drink was because I had become suspicious when our hostess  took my cup into the back of the kitchen while making sure the double swinging doors behind her were shut completely.  Then she brought my glass back out and placed ice in the cup and then filled it with the pineapple juice. 
Within five minutes of leaving the two tabled Mexican taco shop, my stomach was cramping and I had to use the toilet bad!  Like right now!  My wife, who didn’t touch the drink at all, was fine.
I didn’t turn our hostess into the police or anything like that.  I simply left the drink sitting full on the table so she would know that I knew what she did.  My reasoning for not turning her in stems from the knowledge that hate and anger only produce’s more hate and anger.
Although the truth is unknown to me as to why this young Mexican girl put something in my drink, I can’t help but feel that her aggravation is a result of the Trump hate.  After all, I am white, and I’ve been told that I have a Southern draw of sorts, and Southern states are known to be red (Republican) states. 
The Southern Poverty Law Center reported 867 incidents of hateful intimidation and harassment within ten days after Trump won the election in 2016.  And it seems to swing both ways.  CNN reported that two men in Connecticut were arrested over assault charges against a Trump supporter, in December 2016.  In February 2017, Politico New York reported 56 hate crimes in New York City in comparison to last year’s figures of 31. And even more recent was the “Baseball Shooting,” in which Republican’s were targeted. 
Somebody’s got to say, “Hey, the hate stops here.” 
I plan to share this article with the Mexican girl who felt the need to poison me, along with a picture of me standing with a group of Mexican Immigrants in protest to Trump’s wall this past February, here in Pensacola, Florida.  I do this with the hope that maybe I can leave her with the understanding that not all white American’s are hateful pigs.  But even more importantly, I hope my gesture of forgiveness and love are reflected through her.  If hate can spread, love can too.
THE HEALTH BENEFITS FROM EATING MEXICAN FOOD—I have found that when I’m not feeling well, Mexican food makes me feel better.  And there is actually some evidence to support my body’s desire.
Jalapeno Peppers can provide relief from migraine headaches, relieve congestion, and is accredited for strengthening blood vessels by making them more elastic and better able to adjust to blood pressure.
Cilantro is a strong anti-oxidant that can prevent cardiovascular damage.  It also assists in sleep quality, and has been shown to have anti-anxiety effects. It lowers blood sugar while lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol), and is well known for cleaning the body of toxic metals.
Cayenne Pepper is great for the entire digestive system. It has been said that one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in cup of hot water can stop a heart attack in three minutes.  In addition, cayenne pepper is said to kill cancer cells.  And it rids the body of LDL (bad cholesterol), as well as providing relief from arthritic pain.
And a shot per day will keep the doctor away.  Tequila is beneficial for the intestines.  It assist in the absorption of fat and it feeds the good bacteria that lives in the intestines.  It lowers bad cholesterol and it is diabetic friendly, containing less sugar than whiskey, rum, brandy, etc.  And tequila can even assist in weight loss.  It helps the body absorb calcium that in turn burns fat. 
So Cheers! And thumbs up to our brothers and sisters south.  Thank you sharing your spicy healing, feel good food with all of us.  Gracias!
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
  Albert Einstein
You have the power to control your thoughts.
Don’t allow race to disconnect you from us.
Don’t allow religion to separate you from us.
Don’t allow politics to divide us and classify us.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

On The Road (Etiquette)

I’ve spent eleven days traveling between Florida and the Western United States, and one of the things I took note of was the signs.  When you enter Texas, you’ll see signs saying, “Drive Friendly;” and the other sign that caught my eye was use the left lane ONLY to pass other vehicles.  Both of these signs seemed to really have an impact on the manner in which people shared the road.  Even myself!  As soon as I seen the drive friendly sign, I felt some kind of relief, and it turned out to be a pleasant to drive though Texas.  People didn’t dill dally in passing lane, and some would even tap their breaks and fall behind the car they were slowly attempting to pass just to allow people like me to make my way pass them, without disengaging the cruise control. 

Yet when we were returning to our Gulf Coast home, the closer we got to the Louisiana state line, the ruder the driving became.  There were more cars in the passing lane than those who were being passed.  And most times we were lucky to be going the speed limit, let alone anything above that.  And then it occurred to me, was it the friendly signs that made the difference?  Do people actually need a sign to remind themselves of the rules of the road? Like get the fuck over if you’re not passing another vehicle at the moment?

If you’re one of those people who talks to others in your rearview mirror and your thoughts are along the lines of, “I’m going the speed limit, and if they don’t like it they can kiss my ass,” then you’re just plain rude.  Be courteous.  Give it a little extra gas and pass, or tap that break and fall behind the car that you are apparently having trouble passing in the first place. Do you really need a road sign to tell you how to be?

If you’re going the speed limit, then good for you, but not all of us or our vehicles are calibrated the same way.  When I’m traveling distances, I use my cruise control.  The cruise on my Ford Explorer doesn’t seem to float up and down like the one on the rental car we used on this latest trip.  We rented a mini-van and to compensate for the lousy cruise control, we would set the cruise for five mile over the speed limit.  So when we were traveling down hill, we were cruising, but if we were climbing a mountain, then we were lucky to be doing two miles over the speed limit. 

So as you see, there are reasons why we’re not all traveling the same speed limit.  And if I am speeding, it’s none of your business.  I didn’t count the cops we passed on our 4,751 mile journey, but I can say we didn’t get a ticket doing 80 in a 75, or 85 in an 80 mile per hour zone. 

We have signs here in Florida too.  They say, “Arrive Alive.”  When you’re impeding traffic, the people behind you are getting angry.  This is why road rage is now a part of our American vocabulary, and why we have signs that say arrive alive. 

In 1990 I had relocated from Southern California to Columbus, Ohio.  At that time in my young life, I carried a pistol in my pick-up truck, due to the freeway shootings in California.  It had become a habit. 

Well one day this guy in front of me at an intersection blew off our green light to allow traffic from the other direction to turn in front of us.  It was a hot summer day in afternoon rush hour traffic. Maybe he thought he was doing a good thing.  Yet he didn’t have any concern for those of us behind him, who sat through two lights. 

I beeped my horn in frustration. Who knows, maybe he had fallen asleep?  I’d say maybe he was having car problems, but his foot never left the brake.  Anyway, he gets out of his car with an angry look on his face, and I flash him my pistol.  He then returns to his car and drove on when that light turned green a third time. 

That was the last time I ever carried a gun in my vehicle, and why I am so against allowing people to have concealed weapons permits.   If that man hadn’t gotten back in his car, I may have shot him.  I had become the person whom I was protecting myself from.  Road rage, it happens that fast and that sudden.

A.M. rush hour in Columbus, Ohio – a man in a utility pick-up truck gets angry and tries to run me off the road in my Ford Probe.  We’re on the outer-belt doing about 70 miles per hour.  He runs his truck into my car and tries to push me into bumper to bumper traffic to my right.  No shit, I’m on two wheels.  He was pissed off because I knew the traffic patterns and got around the traffic and was passing him in the middle lane . . . with a smile on my face.  (I might have even waived at him too).

Maybe I shouldn’t have smiled, but hey, who would have thought he would use his big ass pick-up truck as a weapon?   You never know who’s in that car or truck behind, beside or in front of you; they may be just that angry and bat-shit crazy enough to cause physical harm, if not death.

Be nice.  Be nice on the road like you are when you’re in church.  Better to drive with love than to be the source of anger and frustration.  Ride on!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Chemo Kills! Victory Over Cancer!

The Pulse of Natural Health Newsletter reported that a recent analysis found that cancer drugs are themselves killing up to 50% of patients within thirty days, indicating that chemotherapy was the cause of death, not the cancer. Of course, chemotherapy can kill patients over the long-term as well.

Cancer drugs can cost up to $10,000 per month for patients.  Big Pharma isn’t going to give up its cash cow anytime soon.  You might want to rethink giving money to the National Cancer Society.  Its pretty clear that the health profession chooses profit over cancer.


Gulf Breeze, FL  resident, Joseph Marx shares his , “Victory Over Cancer!” (Volume One:  How To Take Control And Live) in a book available on Amazon.  He had a very aggressive cancer and had been given only a 17% chance to live.  In an interview with WEAR TV (Feb. 2017) he said he rid himself of the tumor by simply changing his diet. 

The cancer came back a second time. This time he agreed to having the surgery but refused chemo.  The doctors told him he would most certainly die without the chemo.  This time Mr. Marx found that if you restrict methionine (an amino acid) from your diet the cancer dies.  Methionine is found mainly in meats, fish and dairy products.  Mr. Marx’s cancer has been in remission for 9 months.  

His book is number one on the Amazon cancer book list.

The following facts and figures were published in the May 2017 AARP Bulletin:

American’s spent $457 billion on prescription drugs in 2015.  That is an 8% mark-up over the previous year.

There was a 208% increase for the most popular name brands from 2008 to 2016.

$14.5 million was the average salary of a CEO of a pharmaceutical firm; more than any other industry. 

The pharmaceutical industry spends $6.4 billion in direct advertising within the United States annually.

Another $24 billion is spent per year marketing to health care professionals.

There are approximately 18,130 approved prescription drugs available in the U.S.

49% of American’s have used at least one drug in the past 30 days.

19% of American’s say they skip or cut a drug in half in order to keep cost down.

Drug companies spent approximately $19.8 million on politicians in 2016.

Global Data, an analysis research company revealed that 9 out of 10 pharmaceutical companies spend more on marketing than on research.
In 2016, the pharmaceutical industry was credited $1.76 billion in orphan drug tax credits.  As a result, only 5 of the top 50 drug companies spend money on researching “much-needed” new antibiotics, because they are not as profitable, as orphan drugs.  Orphan drugs often receive approval as a treatment for other conditions and are often used for chronic conditions that span over a lifetime, whereas antibiotics are only used for a couple of weeks until the infection goes away.
Unfortunately, no man-made laws are being broken, even though people are clearly being forced to choose between food, a roof over their head, or their health.   But a spiritual violation does exist and should be a concern for all human beings regardless of your current health status.  Learn more at: