Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Friday, May 25, 2018

Memorial Day Weekend

I mowed the back lawn this morning, and I finally dragged that huge old grill to the front of the house for the trash-man to pick up.   I see him drive past while the grill clings to the fence gate.  After trimming the yard, I have to remove 3.5’ x 6’ area of sand that had accumulated under the grill.  That means walking with a shovel full of dirt to the various holes the dogs dug out around the foundation of the house. 
There’s a swimming pool calling my name. 
I have to empty the rain water off the pool cover anyway, before it begins to drag the sides of the pool inward draining it of its water. 
After my little splish splash, I decide to read a book.  Within an hour I went inside to get my iPod and Bose speaker.    It’s not even noon yet, and I find myself in the pool again.  By now I have grabbed my pipe and lighter and decided it’s going to be a mental health day.
I feel a tug of guilt because it's only Thursday, and my wife’s at work, yet here I am enjoying myself.  So I get my laptop out, and I’m using my djembe (drum) as a patio desk.   That way I can say I did some work today, in an attempt to relieve the guilt.  Still, my room with a view is far better than my wife’s. 
But as I float on my back in the red-neck Rivera, I watch the small rolly pulley  wrens whistle and play within the ivy vine that climbs the tree.  “Wow, I see a baby red-headed woodpecker!”
I love woodpeckers!   They are drummers too.   I wonder if there is a nest within the vine.  He just jumped out from nowhere.
“Oh wow, and there’s a hawk circling directly above me!”  I catch glimpses here and there as the powerful rapture flickers in and out among the branches of the mighty oak tree.  “What a treat!”
I am so fucking blessed!  This day is a blessing!  Now comes the tanning oil, and eventually the Florida afternoon rain arrives, but the sun still shines. as water falls from the sky.   I just love it! 
The communion between humans, nature, and the holy spirits who watch us, protect us, and love us, is one to be respected and honored.  With great gratitude I thank you Creator for this special day.  And thank you to the lovers of life – regardless of which side of the curtain you’re on (and special hugs for my wife)  
Have a Happy & Safe Memorial Day Weekend!
Photo by Time