Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Saturday, October 5, 2019

My Friend Swope

            Cathie (also known as Swope) was the kind of person who would give you the shirt off her back.  Literally.  One time we were drinking and cruising the country roads in Marion County, Ohio when I suddenly had to puke.  Cathie pulled over and actually gave me the shirt on her back to wipe my mouth on.   You know you have found a friend for life when someone gives you the shirt off their back. 

We use to do karaoke before there was karaoke.  The living room was our stage, when we weren’t singing to the steering wheel or a beer bottle. 

Oh, the stories I could tell.

One time Cathie put a Mexican Chicken Dish (full of cheddar cheese) down my garbage disposal and plugged it up good.  We had to go to the basement and snake the clog out; the pipe was above our heads and it was getting late in the night.  We must have been at it for two hours, when Swope decides to have a try at it.

Laugh out loud, Cathie got the clog loose and it all sprayed directly into her mouth.  It was so funny it blew all the tension away.  Even Cathie had to laugh.

More importantly, Cathie was there when I came out of the closet.  If you have never had to do that, then you most likely don’t understand how hard it can be.   Swope stepped up like a big sister, and she had been my best friend at times. 

When we were children she lived down the street from me.  Her dad and my mom worked together and even dated at one time.  Nothing serious though (unfortunately).  Still, we were sisters by heart.  Apparently, nothing could change that.

The last time I spoke to Cathie was when I went up North for my brother’s funeral.  I called, and even stopped by her house, with the hope that she might go to David’s funeral with me.  David and Cathie both lived with me at one time and were well acquainted with each other.  Cathie finally returned my call and said she wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want me to catch her crud, so I didn’t see her.  That was three weeks ago.

         My friend took her own life.  I do not know why.  I might not ever know.  All I know is the here and now, and at this moment I celebrate my friend’s life.  Cathie Swope brought smiles to my face and taught me that no matter what I choose to do in life, I will always be loved.  Only love can teach love, and it is the greatest gift of all.  Thank you Cathie Swope.

Cathie Swope & Julie Dawson
Pensacola Beach, FL

1 comment:

  1. If you are of friend of Cathie Swope, then I invite you to leave a story (comment) on the blog. You might have to sign up, but it's free. I know Swope brought a lot of smiles to a lot of people. Please share
