Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

There Is More To This World Than Me

Being human is really cool!  We all play a part in this story.  It’s good conquering evil.  A love story bloomed from anger and rage.  It’s that moment you realize that you are more powerful than you ever gave yourself credit for. 
With every sun rise begins a new chapter in this book we are writing.  We live the story collectively.  We are all connected, like flowers that vine upon the Earth.  We feed and comfort each others needs.  We all start off as weeds and our existence is based upon growing, like a vine that stretches towards the sky, building upon the old and reaching for the new. 
The mind and ego are like a drug to the spirit, feeding us emotions that motivates and shapes this human reality.  Like music to movement it is sound that vibrates the waves of the ocean. 
Now it took me a few years to understand this connectedness we have to each other.  Like a spiral there are layers of understanding; deeper meanings behind every lesson. 
And the ocean is a good place to begin.  We are like water.  The human body contains anywhere from sixty percent to seventy two percent water.  The human brain and heart is composed of seventy-three percent water; the lungs eighty-three percent water ( 
As Yoko Ono put it, “You are water, I’m water; we’re all water in different containers.  That’s why it’s so easy to meet. Someday we’ll evaporate together.”
The Theory of Evolution says humans evolved from water.  At the early stages of development, human fetuses still have a gilled slit system as a result of evolution.  We are surrounded by water while we are in our mother’s womb. 
Water is very significant in spirituality as well.  We bless ourselves with water.  Water is used in baptisms.  Water is cleansing.  Water connects us. It’s even in the air. 
There is a poem by Alice Walker called, “When You See Water,” that I had found to be very helpful in understanding this connectedness.  It goes like this:
When you see water in a stream you say: Oh, this is stream water;
When you see water in the river you say: Oh, this is water of the river;
When you see ocean water you say: This is the ocean’s water!
But actually water is always only itself
And does not belong to any of these containers
Though it creates them.
And so it is with you.
Once we understand this connection we have to each other, as well as all living beings, we realize our importance within this web we call life.  It becomes much easier to love and understand ourselves as well as others; to be forgiving of those whom you feel have hurt you. 


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