Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Friday, December 2, 2016

Quartz Crystals

QUARTZ CRYSTALS are formed from silicon and water through years of heat and pressure.  In ancient traditions they are sometimes referred to as the “Veins of the Earth.”  For most of us, crystals and gemstones are simply eye candy.   The idea of a rock healing a person sounds somewhat ridiculous, but there are those who use crystals in healing therapies. 

Based on the concept that our bodies are no more than energy of various patterns and densities, crystals can assist us in restoring and balancing these frequencies when patterns become disrupted (when we become ill).  And why not?  We use crystals to store memory  now.

Researchers at the University of Southampton have succeeded in recording and retrieving five dimensional digital data using a quartz crystal.  “It is thrilling to think that we have created the first document which will likely survive the human race,” said Professor Peter Kazansky a supervising researcher on the project. “This technology can secure the last evidence of civilization: all we’ve learnt will not be forgotten.”    (

Just as plants have individual healing qualities, the same holds true with crystals and gemstones.  Take for instance rose quartz— when you hold it up to your heart, your asking the body’s subtle patterns to align themselves.  Any unresolved heart issues will be challenged and cleared.   (

It is suggested to use amethyst, clear quartz, or other high vibrational crystals when working with the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. 

Sodalite, selenite and fancy jasper works well with the brow chakra, located at the center of the forehead.

Turquoise or aqumarine works well with the throat chakra; while citrine, yellow agate, amber or yellow calcite works well when working with solar plexus chakra found below the chest.

Carnelian and sunstone corresponds with the spleen chakra found in the lower abdomen; while red jasper, garnet, ruby and hematite corresponds with the root chakra, at the base of the spine. (

When determining which part of the body you need to work with, it is important to understand the chakras and  how they work. 

The root chakra is tied to the functions of the lower extremities, the reproductive system as well as the circulatory system.  The emotional and mental attitude that reflect dysfunction would be aggression, manipulative, impulsive, recklessness, possessiveness, hyperactivity, bulling and/or obsessively sexual.

The spleen chakra is tied to the adrenal glands.  Also a major influence on the reproductive system, as well as the entire muscular system.  It influences the spleen, bladder, pancreas, and kidneys (just remember detoxification).   Mental attitudes that reflect dysfunction include  worrying about what others think, vanity, conceited, proud, arrogant, mistrust of others, anti-social.
The solar plexus chakra influences the digestive system, stomach, liver and gall bladder.  This is where assimilation of nutrients takes place.  It is also linked to the left hemisphere of the brain.  If you have ulcers, intestinal problems, you will want to work on this area.  Emotions indicating dysfunction include feeling deprived of recognition, fearing group power, isolation, judgmental, and being critical of others.
The heart chakra influences the entire immune system.  It is tied to the heart (of course), as well as the circulatory system of the body.  It is linked to the right hemisphere of the brain and tissue regeneration.  Emotional and mental attitudes that reflect dysfunction include anger, unable to enforce your will, financially insecure, emotionally insecure, possessive, jealous, envious, self doubting, and blaming others.
The throat chakra is tied to the functions of the esophagus, mouth and teeth, thyroid, and the respiratory system. Dysfunctional attitudes include clinging to tradition, the need for rules and supervision, dogmatic, resisting change, melancholy, fanatical, authoritarian.
The brow chakra, also known as the third eye, influences the pituitary gland as well as the entire endocrine system.  It also has links to the immune system, sinuses, eyes, ears and the face.  It’s the balancing center of the brain.  Emotional attitudes demonstrating dysfunction include worry, impatience, lateness, superstitiousness, inefficiency, unable to live in the now, forgetfulness, fear of the future, introverted, unable to manifest.
The crown chakra influences the nervous system and skeletal system, as well as the pineal gland, and electrical synapses within the body.  Emotional and mental attitudes reflecting dysfunction include feeling misunderstood, intense erotic imagination, needing sympathy, shame, self-denial, negative self-image, daydreaming, a need to feel popular or indispensable, not understanding need for tenderness. 
And there is so much more to learn regarding this subject.  This information was gathered from Ted Andrews, “The Healer’s Manual: A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Therapies” (2003). 
Crystals make great gifts regardless of their function.  And the Bead & Crystal House is offering 10% off any item within their store throughout the month of December.  For more information, please see their ad on the back page.  Thank you!
(John Lennon)



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