Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Friday, January 20, 2017

Fish Food for the Soul

The older I get, the more I love this Earth life.  Youth may have its beauty, but with age comes the wisdom that unlocks the magic.  Still, I wish I knew then the things I know now.  How many times have you caught yourself thinking just that? 

I don’t know? Maybe one has to cultivate in order to gain wisdom.  Socrates said, “Wisdom begins with wonder,” like a child viewing life with new eyes, they question everything they come in contact with.

Where is Heaven?  What does the Creator want of me?  Why did He/She create me?  What is this life about?  These are not necessarily questions of a child, but they are those of an adult. 

We begin life on the outside and as we age we work our way in; peeling away the layers like an onion.  With each new cycle comes the arrival of a new awareness, a shift in perspectives that can only be achieved by “living.” 

When our perspective shifts, the notions we ponder upon change also.  One question leads to another so to speak.  It’s like visiting or moving to a new city. Each town has its own unique feel; our awareness shifts with movement. The new flows from our minds in the form of questions, and feeds our hearts if we are willing to listen. 

“Give us our daily bread,” is just another way of saying, feed us wisdom daily; give us fish food for the soul.  Just remember, wisdom begins with a question. 

What question do you seek the answer to?



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