Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Did you know that cancer cells can not live in a high potassium environment?  High potassium foods include:

Apricot (dried)                                   Lentils (dry or sprouted)
Asparagus                                         Limes (fresh)
Banana                                              Mushrooms (raw)
Barley (pearled)                                Nectarines
Bean (Navy dried or Lima fresh)       Okra (fresh)
Beets (raw)                                        Onions
Bread (sprouted, no salt)                  Oranges
Broccoli (fresh)                                 Parsley (fresh)
Brussels Sprouts (fresh)                   Peaches (dried or raw)
Cabbage                                           Pears (Barlett)
Cantaloupe                                       Peas (dried or fresh)
Caraway Seed                                  Pineapple (raw)
Carrots (raw)                                     Plums (raw)
Cauliflower (fresh, raw)                     Prunes (dried or raw)
Celery Seeds                                    Quince (raw)
Chard (small leaves)                         Raisins
Cherries (dark raw)                           Rhubarb (raw)
Dandelion Greens                             Rice (wild or brown)
Dill Seeds                                          Rolled Oats
Endive                                               Sage
Figs (dried or raw)                             Spinach (raw)
Garlic                                                  Squash (raw Acorn, Hubbard White & Yellow)
Grapes (concord emperor)               Tangerines
Grapefruit (fresh)                              Tapioca (raw)
Horseradish (fresh)                          Turnips (raw leaves)
Kale (leaves)                                     Watermelon
Lemons (fresh)
(This list was taken from the book Natural Healing With Herbs, by Humbart Santillo)

And here is another suggestion, relocate to a warm climate where sunshine is in abundance.  Yes that’s right; sunshine isn’t as bad for you as the medical establishment would like us all to think. 
The human body naturally absorbs vitamin D from the sun. Researchers from the University of California, San Diego gathered data from 107 countries (4,443 people) and discovered a link between sunlight and breast cancer.
Women with lower vitamin D levels (17 nano grams per milliliter on average) were at a higher risk for breast cancer than those who live near the equator with a level of 30 nano grams per milliliter.
In another study conducted in 2007, the University of Nebraska scientists found that vitamin D can reduce all cancers in women up to 77%.
Overall there are 16 types of cancer that can be eliminated, for men and women, by sitting in the sun for 20 minutes a day. 
In addition, melanoma is more common in Northern latitudes, suggesting that sun screens are linked to the rise of skin cancer patients. 
Nature is our friend; not our enemy.  Shine on and be well.

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