Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom
Photo by Kim Schulz

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


(From the book, “Natural Healing With Herbs,” by Humbart Santillo, BS, MH)

Blood purification therapy is the therapy that is used to purify the blood and lymphatic system if acids and other poisons are causing disease, imbalances and irritations of glands, organs and body tissue.
If the blood and lymphatic system were pure, no disease would exist.  The bloodstream is the river of life during disease and health, the blood is constantly neutralizing poisons and carrying toxins to be eliminated.  Air pollution, chemical preservatives, food waste, the body’s natural cellular waste and stress can cause an accumulation of toxins in the body and result in disease at any organ, joint, or tissue site.

In adding blood and lymph cleansing, alternative herbs are used such as burdock root, red clover, Echinacea, chaparral, garlic, yellowdock, dandelion, etc.  Whenever there is an illness, blood purification, along with bowel cleansing (enemas, colonics) should be considered to assist blood purification therapy.  Short fast using water or vegetable broths, raw vegetable juices like carrot, celery, beet, watercress and citrus juices will help neutralize poisons in the bloodstream and will stimulate the cleansing functions of the liver, bowels and kidneys.  Deep breathing and exercise will aid in lung and skin elimination. Dry skin brushing and hydrotherapy help clean the blood and lymph and is very good for elderly people and weak individuals that cannot move around easily and be exposed to more energetic therapies.
Some blood cleaners are diuretics, others are hepatics (liver cleansers), others will influence other organs.  Take blood cleansing herbs between meals on an empty stomach.  If they cause nausea or stomach upset, adding some licorice root, ginger or other carminatives to the combination usually will help.  If this fails, take the herbs with meals or change the formula so it can be taken on an empty stomach.
The kidneys, lungs, liver, bowels and skin are the major eliminatory organs of the body.  Always consider herbs that will aid elimination through them to help purify the blood.  Stimulating hot and cold alternating fomentations over the weak organs will stimulate cleansing of these body parts.
Blood purification therapy is especially indicated during gout, arthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases, all toxic conditions, during fasts and periodically during cleansing and transition diets, acute and chronic illnesses, infections and low grade fevers.
Blood purification therapy is used to treat heat/excess, cold/deficient, internal and external problems.
In heat/excess the toxins in the blood and lymphatic system have to be removed.  Toxins and poisons produce heat in the body.  During cold/deficient illness an individual is feeling cold because of the organs not functioning properly.  If there is a heavy congestion in certain areas of the body, deobstruent therapy is indicated, but if the organs are receiving toxic, poor blood which is hindering the function of them, blood purification is the suitable therapy.
Whether the condition is internal (chronic) or external (acute) the blood needs to be purified.  It is one of the main therapies that can be used along with any other therapy needed.


  1. I recently did a blood purification diet for a mild bladder infection for a little over a week, and boy do I feel good!

    I began with drinking lots of apple juice for three days while fasting. I would drink a cup or two of parsley tea and dandelion tea, in addition to an Echinacea/Goldenseal extract mixed in a cup of water, and Chaparral extract mixed with a cup of water.

    After three days, I only had apple juice only in the morning and at night before I went to bed, followed by a cup of parsley tea. I continued to drink a cup or two of dandelion tea during the day, as well as continued use of the Echinacea, Goldenseal and Chaparral extracts mixed with a cup of water.

    After a little over a week, I spent a day doing yard work, pulling weeds, and trimming trees, and I didn’t even get stiff afterwards. Usually I look like an old lady trying to get out of a chair and walking to the kitchen. I felt nothing like that after this detox.

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